Categories: Getting Started

How to Add a Gallery in WordPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a gallery to your WordPress website is a great way to showcase your images. Whether you’re a photographer, artist, or just want to share your travel photos, a gallery can make your site more visually appealing. In just a few steps, you can have a stunning gallery up and running on your WordPress site.

Step by Step Tutorial: Adding a Gallery in WordPress

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to know that we are going to add a gallery to your WordPress post or page using the built-in WordPress gallery feature. This feature is easy to use and doesn’t require any additional plugins.

Step 1: Edit or Create a Post/Page

Open the post or page where you want to add the gallery.

When you’re in the WordPress editor, you’ll have the option to add a new post or page, or edit an existing one. Make sure you’re in the right place before moving on to the next step.

Step 2: Click on ‘Add Media’ Button

Click on the ‘Add Media’ button above the text editor.

This will open the WordPress Media Library, where you can upload new images or select from previously uploaded images.

Step 3: Select ‘Create Gallery’

Choose ‘Create Gallery’ on the left side of the Media Library window.

After clicking ‘Create Gallery’, you can select the images you want to include in your gallery. You can upload new images or select from the ones you’ve already uploaded to your media library.

Step 4: Choose Images for Gallery

Select the images you want to include and click ‘Create a new gallery’.

You can select multiple images by holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key (Command key on Mac) as you click on each image.

Step 5: Edit Gallery Settings

Customize your gallery settings such as columns, link to, and size then click ‘Insert gallery’.

Here you can decide how many columns your gallery should have, whether the images should link to the attachment page, the media file, or none, and what size the images should display.

After you complete these steps, your gallery will be live on your WordPress post or page. You can preview your post or page to see how the gallery looks and make any necessary adjustments.

Tips for Adding a Gallery in WordPress

  • Ensure your images are optimized for the web to improve loading times.
  • Consider using a plugin for more advanced gallery features like lightboxes or masonry layouts.
  • Keep your galleries organized by grouping related images together.
  • Use the ‘Gallery’ block in the new WordPress editor (Gutenberg) for an even simpler process.
  • Regularly update your galleries to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best size for gallery images?

The best size for gallery images depends on your website’s layout and design. However, a general rule of thumb is to keep the width under 1200 pixels to ensure fast loading times.

Can I add captions to my gallery images?

Yes, you can add captions to your gallery images by entering the text in the ‘Caption’ field when editing the image in the Media Library.

How many images can I include in a WordPress gallery?

There is no limit to the number of images you can include in a WordPress gallery, but keep in mind that more images can affect loading times.

Can I rearrange the order of images in my gallery?

Yes, you can rearrange the order of images by dragging and dropping them in the ‘Edit Gallery’ screen.

Do I need a plugin to add a gallery in WordPress?

No, you don’t need a plugin to add a basic gallery in WordPress. However, plugins can offer additional features and flexibility if you need more than the default options.


  1. Edit or create a post/page
  2. Click on ‘Add Media’
  3. Select ‘Create Gallery’
  4. Choose images
  5. Edit gallery settings


Adding a gallery in WordPress is a simple process that can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your website. By following the step-by-step tutorial above, you can easily create beautiful galleries to display your images. Remember to keep your images optimized and to update your galleries regularly to keep your audience engaged.

Whether you’re a professional photographer or a hobbyist, a well-organized gallery can showcase your work in the best light. Explore the various settings and options available in WordPress to customize your galleries to fit your style and preferences. And if you need more advanced features, don’t hesitate to explore the wide range of gallery plugins available.

In the end, the key to a great gallery is not just the images themselves, but how they are presented. Take the time to experiment with different layouts and settings to find what works best for you and your audience. Adding a gallery in WordPress is just the beginning – it’s up to you to make it shine.

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