There are many things that you can do to speed up your WordPress website. One of the biggest gains typically comes from upgrading your host to one like Cloudways, but you can see significant improvements by serving your image and static files from a CDN.
There are a lot of great CDN providers that you can use, but most of them cost money, and getting everything implements can be challenging. Luckily, if you are already using the Jetpack plugin on your website, then you can simply use Jetpack to serve your images and static files.
How to Use Jetpack for Image and Static File Hosting in WordPress
The steps in this article were performed on a WordPress site using the 5.2.1 version of the application. I am also using the 7.3.1 version of Jetpack. This guide will assume that you have already installed and set up the Jetpack plugin on your site.
Step 1: Sign into the admin section of your WordPress at (
Step 2: Hover over the Jetpack tab at the left side of the window, then choose the Settings option.
Step 3: Click the Performance tab at the top of the window.
Step 4: Turn on the Enable site accelerator option, then turn on the Speed up image load times and Speed up static file load times options as well.
Are you getting your site added to Search Console, but you aren’t sure how to generate a sitemap? Find out how to use Jetpack to create a sitemap so that you don’t need to install any additional plugins for that.
Matt has been working with WordPress and creating content using this powerful content management system for years. While he has written about many other tech topics, WordPress is one of his favorites.
You can read his full bio here.
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